Sunday, July 22, 2012

A New Leaf... aka Starting Over

This month has been fairly difficult on my little family, in so many ways.  I won't discuss them here, but I just wasnted to start off by saying that because for that reason, I have not had a lot of motivation to exercise. Unfortunately, my life is heavily dictated by my stress level. Don't believe me... ask my wife.

Now, I'm not trying to find excuses not to accomplish my goals with American Ninja Warrior. That does not do for an interesting blog and overall awesome Ninja Warrior Experience.  I just wanted to blog and try to explain and inform my followers that progress is not going as well as I had hoped it would.

However... I have used this month to figure out how much I actually miss working out and feel like I'm letting myself and my family down.  I know that there are several people in my family that want to see me succeed at this and have the oppurtunity to see me on tv.

So I'm using this to fuel my motivation and get that fire stoked in myself and feed it to a burning drive to succeed.

Thank you everybody for supporting me and encouraging me to press on. I will not leyt myself get into a funk again and fail to accomplish my daily goals of exercise, which will ultimately lead to Mt. Midoriyama.  Look to see me discuss my successes and set-backs regularly.  With all of your support and encouragement, I will ascend to the top of that "mountain." 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

In Remembrance...

I wanted to dedicate this post to the families who lost their loved in the tragedy that occured on July 20, 2012 in Aurora, CO.

I was saddened to hear that such a senseless act occured for no apparent reason.  I believe that such acts are among the largest of blights on our mortal existence. In times of darkness such as these it may be hard not to ask why.  I found myself asking that very question at 8:00 a.m. as I heard about it on the morning news. Why? Why would someone feel the need to end so many innocent lives? Was it to make a point? Was it a self-fulfillment of one's existence? Was it a prank that went too far? The question remains unanswered.

In my life, I have not had to deal with such extreme darkness and sadness as the families of those individuals. But the times that have had to face darkness and loss of hope, I have sought to find a light.

Albus Dumbledore once said," Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." This light can be reached when you focus on the good in one's life.  The good that brings true joy and warmth to our souls.

Please note that the prayers and hearts of my family go out to you and the loved ones lost.  May the peace of the Lord be with you as you wade through this darkness and sorrow.  May you find light and happiness and know that you will one day be reunited with those you have lost.

To my friends and followers: please refer your friends and folowers to this post. It is my wish that those who have suffered grievious losses due to this incident may read this and obtain some measure of peace in their current turmoil. Thank you.