Monday, March 25, 2013

Rookie Firefighter Challenge 2013

Me at the Firefighter Rookie Challenge
Photo By:
Sarah Weiser- Photographer 
The Provo Daily Herald

On March 23rd, I did probably the hardest thing that I have done in I don't know how many years. The Rookie Firefighter Challenge at UVU's Fire Academy, the Recruit Candidate Academy.
I entered this challenge to see what the academy will be like and get a glimpse of what the career is going to be like.  All I have to say is... Holy Crap! Am I Fat and Lazy, or what!?  It was soooo hard.

It was a 5-hour event that completely tested me, both physically and mentally. Let me tell you why!

The event started with a 1.5 mile run. Which I was only able to do in 13:00 min.  Not so good.  Then immediately upon completion of the run we did as many push-ups as we could in 1:00 min. I only got 24. Followed then by as many sit-ups as we could do in 1:00 min.  Got a whopping 28 there. Go me. Followed by as many pull- ups as we could do. Yep, all 3 is what I got. Just a pillar of strength (is not what I am).  Well, at least I was able to get through the PT section of the challenge.  A couple people did not.

After the PT section, we were drilled on putting on the PPE or "turn-out gear" as it is called.  This includes the boots, pants coats, helmets, hoods and gloves. Luckily we did not have to do the hoods.  The rest was hard enough.  But we had to have our shoes off and all the gear on in 50 seconds or less.  Only about 5 of the 13 participants could do it.  I would have been able to.  Its just the gloves that took me 15 secs to get on.  It wasn't until after the drills that I figured out how to get them on faster.

After drilling on that for about an hour, we drilled on getting the SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) operational and on. This was for about another half hour.  That got pretty tiring also.  Trying to get that stuff on as fast as I could took a lot more energy than one would expect.

After drilling on both the turn-out gear and the SCBA for a total of approximately 1 1/2 hours, we went outside in full gear and performed a couple of other drills.  We were divided into three groups, and remained in full gear for all the events. Keep in mind, all this gear together weighs about 50 lbs.

The first event that my group went to was a Search & Rescue Exercise. It was an extremely unique experience for me, well frankly the entire event almost was completely unique to me, but this one especially.  We went into a "building" (an old train boxcar, mimicking a house scenario) where we were blind-folded. Could not see a thing.  We had to rely on verbal communication and light touch to stay together while we crawled on all fours through this "house".  We had to search for bodies, conditions and do it well enough to be able to communicate what we noticed during this search.  Pretty crazy! It was very educational.

After that, my group went to a ladder drill.  In this drill, we had to climb about 20-25 ft up a ladder. Once we reached that height we were required to lock ourselves onto the ladder by putting one foot through the back, and then back to the front, locking our toe into the rung.  Once locked on, we were required to lean as far as we could to the left, and as far as we could back.  Essentially we were to have our belly button out past the left side of the ladder and lean back far enough to see the stars, if there were any. It was cloudy.  Then unlock from the ladder and come back down.

The final event was a hose pull.  This was the event that, quite frankly, almost killed me. This in addition to the weak PT test is what made me well aware of how far I have to go before I be a Firefighter or get onto ANW.  We were required to pull a hose about 100 ft, call for water, then run the hose back to the fire truck.  Then repeat, immediately, the same thing with a secondary hose.  I only got about 75 feet into the second pull before the hose dropped and I couldn't pick it up to continue.  I was physically unable.  At this point I was sent to the Emergency Response Team to make sure I wasn't in critical condition. When they took my pulse it was 160 bpm. Now I don't know how close to a heart attack I was, but I don't know if I want to know either.

Finally after a bit of a rest, I was able to get back into the final event.  A fire extinguisher drill.  They would light a container of gasoline on fire for each of us and we would put it out with a Special-K Fire Extinguisher.  For those of you who don't know, Special-K is a potassium based chemical for putting out chemical fires (such as gasoline). 

That event ended the night of non-stop drilling and running everywhere.  We closed with a 20-min Q&A session with instructors and current students.

Overall, I enjoyed the experience.  It taught me a lot about what to expect and where I need to get to fitness-wise.  I look forward to doing it again in the fall to see where I'm at compared to where I was last weekend.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Next Step

The next step in my progress toward ANW is coming up in about 2 weeks.  I have registered for an event at Utah Valley University.  This event is called the Firefighter Rookie Challenge.

In this event they will basically take the participants through a day at the academy.  It will be a preview of what is called the CPAT, which is the physical test that I will have to pass to get into the academy.  It includes things like a stair climb, a hose pull, body rescue, all while wearing a 50 pound weight vest (simulating the weight of the gear). 

In addition to that, we'll be covering things like search & rescue, high rise tower, nozzles, hoses, turnout/SCBA gear, etc.  I'm really excited for the challenges I will be facing. It will give me an opportunity to see what it will be like so I can better prepare myself to be ready for the academy and Ninja Warrior.

I'll have to post and tell you guys all about it.  It's going to be very exciting. Maybe there will be some video that I can take and post it? We'll see.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, I'm back in the game again.  I hope it's not too late to get into ANW next year. Well, if I can get the time off from school that is.

You see... the next phase of my education, if you could call my education going in phases, is to get into the fire academy at Utah Valley University next spring. The whole auto mechanic thing isn't working out at all.  $700 a month really isn't cutting it. So, I have decided to change my major...AGAIN... and become a Paramedic Firefighter.  This was my original Plan B after Aviation didn't work out.  I wish I would have done it earlier instead of wasting my time in Computer Engineering and Automotive Technology.  I was just reluctant because of the nature of the career, I suppose.

Why am I telling you this? How does it relate to my road to American Ninja Warrior? Well, let me tell you. To get into the academy next spring I have a lot of work to on my fitness and strength. Shockingly, I'm not in good enough shape to be a Firefighter yet, or at least I don't think I am. I'll know for sure in a couple of weeks at the Firefighter Rookie Challenge at UVU on the 23rd of this month. But that's another story for another post.

So, my drive to get into the Fire Academy will also be the driving force behind my training.  I believe that this will be a strong motivating factor to obtain the fitness level required for Ninja Warrior.  If I can obtain a pristine fitness level to be the first American Ninja Warrior, I will definitely be in good enough shape to be a Firefighter.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A New Leaf... aka Starting Over

This month has been fairly difficult on my little family, in so many ways.  I won't discuss them here, but I just wasnted to start off by saying that because for that reason, I have not had a lot of motivation to exercise. Unfortunately, my life is heavily dictated by my stress level. Don't believe me... ask my wife.

Now, I'm not trying to find excuses not to accomplish my goals with American Ninja Warrior. That does not do for an interesting blog and overall awesome Ninja Warrior Experience.  I just wanted to blog and try to explain and inform my followers that progress is not going as well as I had hoped it would.

However... I have used this month to figure out how much I actually miss working out and feel like I'm letting myself and my family down.  I know that there are several people in my family that want to see me succeed at this and have the oppurtunity to see me on tv.

So I'm using this to fuel my motivation and get that fire stoked in myself and feed it to a burning drive to succeed.

Thank you everybody for supporting me and encouraging me to press on. I will not leyt myself get into a funk again and fail to accomplish my daily goals of exercise, which will ultimately lead to Mt. Midoriyama.  Look to see me discuss my successes and set-backs regularly.  With all of your support and encouragement, I will ascend to the top of that "mountain." 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

In Remembrance...

I wanted to dedicate this post to the families who lost their loved in the tragedy that occured on July 20, 2012 in Aurora, CO.

I was saddened to hear that such a senseless act occured for no apparent reason.  I believe that such acts are among the largest of blights on our mortal existence. In times of darkness such as these it may be hard not to ask why.  I found myself asking that very question at 8:00 a.m. as I heard about it on the morning news. Why? Why would someone feel the need to end so many innocent lives? Was it to make a point? Was it a self-fulfillment of one's existence? Was it a prank that went too far? The question remains unanswered.

In my life, I have not had to deal with such extreme darkness and sadness as the families of those individuals. But the times that have had to face darkness and loss of hope, I have sought to find a light.

Albus Dumbledore once said," Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." This light can be reached when you focus on the good in one's life.  The good that brings true joy and warmth to our souls.

Please note that the prayers and hearts of my family go out to you and the loved ones lost.  May the peace of the Lord be with you as you wade through this darkness and sorrow.  May you find light and happiness and know that you will one day be reunited with those you have lost.

To my friends and followers: please refer your friends and folowers to this post. It is my wish that those who have suffered grievious losses due to this incident may read this and obtain some measure of peace in their current turmoil. Thank you.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

This is the Week!

This is the week that my Ninja Warrior workout is going to get elevated to a slightly higher level. Slightly, anyway. Up to this point, I've primarily been running to get my body a little more used to exercise since it's been a few years.  Now , I feel it's time to ramp up a little more and integrate a fitness program designed to enhance endurance and start the process of upper body development.

The fitness program consists of:

- Pull-Ups (5)
- Shuto Push-Ups (10)
- Fist Push-Ups (15)
- Hindu Push-Ups (20)
- V-Ups (20)
- Knee Hugs (20)
- Ichimonji  Squats (10 Each Side)
- Walking Lunges (20)
- Mountain Climbers (20)

A little crazy, right? Oh, but it gets better! This entire combination is considered one set.  The goal of the exercise is to do as many sets as you can within 20 minutes, without a break between the various exercises and a max of a 90 second break between sets. even more crazy! But, I'm totally game!

Of course, I've got to push myself above and beyond.  So my goal with this particular routine is to move up to a 30 minute time limit when I feel I am able to do so. 

There is a reason that I would like to increase the limit to 30 minutes. As I was searching on the Internet for recommended exercises for Ninja Warrior Training, I came across a synopsis of an exercise regiment that a trainer came up with for someone who was training to get onto the show. In that synopsis he suggested that you condition your body to withstand 30 minutes of intense exercise. So, I would eventually like to get to the point where I can do that.

And this is the week I will integrate this part of the routine that I have set up for my training. Again, as previously mentioned in a post, this is only the second part of a six part program that I have developed on my own to get ready for 2014 ANW.

Besides the added training, it will most likely help me stay motivated, because it is the opportunity to switch things up every other day.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Little Successes

This week has been graced with a few little successes.

- I was able to wake up and stay awake a couple of times and exercise to get ready to compete
- I found a spot to do pull-ups without the use of a gym
- I was able to climb up four rungs of an aircraft off-loading ramp with just the use of my arms

Like I said... little successes.

I want to share with you guys the story of the rung climbing.

On Thursday night I was at work down at the Provo Airport. I saw the (what we call Z-Ramp) that is used to unload the Embraer 190 jets that come in every night and thought to myself,"I'm going to try to climb to the top of the handrails just using upper body strength." Well, it's a four rung railing and I was only able to get up three.  Then, a co-worker got a little competitive and tried it as well.  He got all the way up.  Now this (of course) did not sit well with me.  I had to match him.  So I tried again and got up all the way. Yay Me! 

It may seem like a little thing, but it's just a little more fuel to my desire to get in better shape.

Because of this feat, I was able to tell a couple of co-workers that I was trying to compete in the 2014 American Ninja Warrior.  So this motivates me a little further still.

I think I'm on my way.  I just need to keep the motivation going and make my little family proud.

I love you Heather, Aileah and Eli.